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AnyMind Group

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AnyMind’s 8th birthday: Charting the path to hypergrowth - highlighting six individuals who have grown rapidly with the company

At AnyMind, high performance and growth are a big part of our culture – we always strive for more excellence!

On our 8th birthday, we spoke to six individuals who have grown significantly since they joined the company, as a result of their continuous achievements in the company – from interns becoming department heads to an individual who joined us in the early years of his career and is now a country manager.

We wanted to understand what has got them to this point and what keeps them going.

From left to right, meet An Khanh Vu, regional head of platform operations, Yi Hui Toh, country manager of Singapore, Suthida Phisranson (Jha), deputy head of business development for Thailand, Akinori Kubo, business head of logistics and cross-border e-commerce, Ngo Hong Vi, head of Hanoi operation center, and Shodai Fujita, head of influencer marketing for Japan.

Here’s what they have to say:

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