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Case Study

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Influencer Marketing

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Tipco builds buzz in Thailand using AnyTag

When it comes to fruit juices or juice boxes, Tipco is always one of the top brands that most people in Thailand talk about. In addition, Tipco is always developing new products and introducing new flavors to the market such as Homsuwan Pineapple Juice or its Tipco ABC Juice – a blend of apples, beetroots, and carrots. In addition, Tipco also offers functional juices such as the Tipco INNO drink: a fruit juice mixed with vitamins.

Tipco tapped on AnyMind’s influencer marketing platform, AnyTag, to drive buzz for its brand and products. Their strategy was to leverage nano-influencers to drive grassroots word-of-mouth by trying out the brand’s products. These nano-influencers needed to have the right audience/follower demographics, enabling Tipco to reach their ideal target audience.

Using AnyTag’s Marketplace function, Tipco was able to tap on a pool of influencers, who are using sister platform AnyCreator, to run their campaign.

AnyTag supports influencer marketing campaigns on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, and provides access to over 400,000 influencers and influencer data points – from nano-influencers to top stars (over 1,000,000 followers). AnyTag’s Marketplace function is just one of a multitude of ways brands can work with influencers.

Tipco just needed to set up their brief on AnyTag, including clear standards and rules for participating influencers, and select influencers who had audience demographics that matched the brand’s requirements, objectives and expectations. If an influencer does not meet the brand’s requirements, the brand will be alerted and can stop engagement with the influencer through AnyTag.

In addition, during a campaign and after it ends, brands can also access campaign analytics on AnyTag, and drill down into various areas such as user comments, campaign performance and more, available on a single screen.

Tapping on AnyTag, Tipco was able to drive buzz and awareness around their Tipco ABC Juice product and drive the entirety of their campaign through a single platform.

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