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AnyMind Group

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A Day out of the office, let’s clean the beach together!

Our Taiwan team heads to the beach for CSR Day

Apart from working in the office, can we do something meaningful together? In the fall of 2021, our Taiwan team had their first CSR Day and headed to clean the beach on the Jinshan coastline.

Founded in 2016, AnyMind Group is an end-to-end commerce enablement platform that provides a range of tools for businesses – from manufacturing and e-commerce enablement to marketing, logistics and more. Putting business aside, we also need to do whatever we can to protect our environment and make greater efforts for our society. Given the abundant marine resources of Taiwan, marine conservation is a critical issue for us to pay attention to. We have more than 8,000,000 tons of litter flushed into the ocean every year, and by the year 2025, the weight of the overall marine litter will surpass the weight of all the sea creatures combined. Apart from reducing the usage of disposable plastic products, what we can do more is to clean the beach together and make an effort for our mother nature.

Our Taiwan team chose a popular tourist spot: Laomei Green Reef, to be our destination. In Springtime, the seaweed attached to the reefs will turn bright green, which makes Laomei become a must-visit place in Taiwan. However, the heavy traffic caused by tourism has made this place full of litter and has polluted the ocean. Therefore, we started our first CSR Day in Laomei!

Equipped with a glove, tongs and a garbage bag, it was our first time taking a close look at the coastline. There were all kinds of waste on the beach: charcoal, plastic bottles, straws, bottle caps and small fragments of plastics. All these wastes have caused severe damage to our marine life. With everyone’s help, we cleaned up bags of litter and acknowledged how severe the pollution is!

This activity not only lets us know the importance of environmental conservation but also lets us have the chance to interact and communicate with other members outside of the office. By helping each other and picking up litter together, we are practicing our “Achieve together” company value and enjoy the time spent with our team!

Thanks to every member of the Taiwan team for creating a happy and meaningful memory together!

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