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Digital Marketing

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Opening up the hood of our digital marketing offerings: effective advertising solutions - AnyMind Group's APM and POKKT for web and mobile ads to drive performance and branding

One of the core tenants of BPaaS is in providing powerful technology alongside effective operational support. As a company that started off serving marketers and advertisers, our digital marketing technology continues to evolve and grow.

In this article, we will open up the hood on our AnyDigital Premium Marketplace (APM) and POKKT designed to empower advertisers with precise targeting, high-impact ad placements, and comprehensive audience engagement capabilities.

Let’s jump right in.

AnyDigital Premium Marketplace (APM)

APM allows advertisers to secure ad placements on mid-top-tier publishers across APAC providing our clients with a vast range of publishers.

We help advertisers in delivering the right media to the right audience through mid-high-tier publishers across the APAC region. While most high-tier publishers provide scale and usually are news or forum based sites, mid-tier publishers provide more niche content sites that can suit a client’s brand message.

APM ensures our advertisers and brands of high brand, fraud free traffic, making sure your advertising budget is delivered to authentic audiences. Moreover, our team operates to make sure your KPI and campaign results are achieved!

Key Features of APM

Fixed-rate model: Enables campaigns to spend more as they deliver higher KPIs, ensuring maximum Return on Investment (ROI).

Premium inventory: Guarantees best ad slots on our websites across APAC, ideal for clients seeking qualified traffic.

Innovative ad formats: APM provides advertisers with a range of display, video and rich media ad formats that are designed with specific objectives in mind, such as conversion, gamification, viewability and more.

Each of these features works together to ensure that advertisers and brands achieve the best possible results from their campaigns by utilizing resources and budgets most efficiently on the APM platform.

How APM empowers advertisers and brands

Premium Inventory: APM provides access to a network of premium publishers across APAC, which AnyMind is also supporting to grow through AnyManager platform และหน่วยธุรกิจ Publisher Growth

Targeted Reach: Utilizing advanced contextual targeting, APM delivers ads that are highly relevant to the content consumed by the target audience. This precision increases user engagement and conversion rates by reaching the most pertinent audience segments.

Optimized Performance: APM’s performance scaling feature continuously enhances campaign effectiveness. It adjusts based on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as viewability, engagement rates, and click-through rates (CTR), ensuring campaigns deliver maximum ROI over time.

Predictable Costs: APM’s fixed-rate model (CPV, CPC or CPM) provides financial predictability, enabling efficient budgeting and campaign planning aligned with performance outcomes. This simplicity in financial management enhances overall effectiveness.

Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting: Detailed analytics and reporting tools in APM offer real-time insights into campaign performance. Advertisers and brands can make informed decisions, refine strategies, and optimize campaigns for better results, ensuring transparency and accountability.

High Viewability: By prioritizing ad placements with high viewability rates, APM ensures ads are seen by the target audience, boosting engagement and conversion rates.

Enhanced User Experience: APM integrates non-intrusive, contextually relevant ad formats seamlessly into content, enhancing user experience and fostering positive brand associations.

Flexible Buying Models: APM offers flexible buying models such as Cost Per View (CPV), Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Mille (CPM), catering to diverse advertising needs and objectives. This flexibility allows advertisers and brands to choose models that best align with their goals and budgets.

With a comprehensive suite of features, APM empowers advertisers and brands to achieve impactful digital marketing campaigns that drive brand awareness, engagement, and conversions effectively.


Ad Formats Offered by APM

Let’s see the library of APM ad formats down below

APM ADS Formats

Placement of APM Ads

APM ad spaces are strategically placed to maximize visibility and engagement on top local websites and publishers. These placements include:

Top Local Websites/Publishers:APM ensures ads appear on premium websites known for their high-quality content and engaged audiences. This strategic placement enhances brand visibility and ensures ads are seen by a relevant, targeted audience.

In-Article Placement: Ads are integrated seamlessly within articles, ensuring they complement rather than disrupt the user experience. This approach increases ad effectiveness by reaching users in a contextually relevant manner.

By leveraging these innovative ad formats and strategic placements, APM enables advertisers to achieve their marketing objectives effectively, driving brand awareness, engagement, and conversions across digital platforms.

Another digital marketing platform provided by AnyMind is POKKT. Let us explore more about what it is all about, its formats and how it is beneficial for e-commerce businesses these days.

POKKT: Leading the Charge in Mobile In-App and In-Game Advertising

According to Market Data Forecast and Expert Market Research the global mobile application market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.2% from 2024 to 2029, fueled by the increasing popularity of both gaming and non-gaming apps. Gaming applications continue to dominate the market, supported by the widespread use of smartphones and the rising trend of in-app purchases, with North America and Asia-Pacific leading this growth.

Non-gaming applications across sectors like retail, e-commerce, health, fitness, music, entertainment, and social networking are experiencing notable growth, with entertainment and music apps showing especially strong increases. Gamification in marketing, which uses game-design elements to enhance user engagement, is common in loyalty programs, interactive ads, and app-based games. Mobile apps make it easier to target specific audiences and keep users engaged. Platforms like POKKT offer rich media, interactive ads, and immersive videos that increase user involvement and boost brand visibility. High engagement rates on apps, particularly in gaming, create great opportunities for effective ad placement and higher conversion rates. By taking advantage of mobile app growth and using gamification strategies, brands can run powerful ad campaigns that drive both user engagement and conversions.

POKKT, a premier mobile advertising platform by AnyMind Group, caters to global brands across various verticals. With a diverse range of ad formats, POKKT excels in both brand and performance marketing within gaming and on-gaming apps.

How POKKT Empowers Brands

POKKT offers a robust suite of tools and services that empower brands to achieve their mobile marketing objectives effectively. Here’s how POKKT empowers brands:

Diverse Ad Formats

POKKT provides a wide range of ad formats to suit various marketing goals, including:

Rewarded Video Ads: Engage users by offering rewards for watching ads, increasing viewer retention and interaction.



Interstitial Ad Banner Seamlessly integrate ads within the content to enhance user experience and engagement.

Rich Media Interactive Ads: Create immersive and interactive ad experiences that capture user attention.


Targeted Audience Reach

POKKT utilizes a sophisticated Data Management Platform (DMP) to collect and segment data, creating targeted audience “buckets” based on affinities such as shopping, beauty, health & fitness, and more. This precise targeting ensures that ads reach the most relevant audiences, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Premium Inventory Access

POKKT provides access to high-quality ad inventory within gaming and non-gaming apps, as well as web environments. This ensures that brands can reach their target audience in premium, high-traffic locations, maximizing visibility and engagement.

Performance-Oriented Campaigns

With POKKT, brands can choose from various campaign types and buying models to meet their objectives:

Campaign Types: Programmatic และ Managed Service
    Buying Models:Programmatic and Managed Service Cost Per View (CPV): This is the amount a brand pays when a user watches an entire video ad. The cost is calculated based on the number of views, allowing brands to pay according to the actual results they achieve.
    • Cost Per Completed View (CPCV): This is the amount a brand pays when someone watches the whole video ad. It ensures that the brand only pays when the ad is fully viewed, giving a clearer picture of how well the ad is performing.
    • Cost Per Completed View (CPCV): This is the cost a brand pays when users watch an entire video ad, whether it’s short or long. The payment is based on the number of times the video is fully viewed, ensuring that the brand pays according to how many users watch the video to the end.
    • Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM): This is the cost a brand pays for every thousand times an ad is shown. The charge is calculated based on the number of ad impressions, allowing brands to assess their spending based on the ad’s reach in a broader market.
    • Cost Per Click (CPC): This is the amount a brand pays each time a user clicks on an ad. The cost is determined by the number of clicks, helping brands measure the effectiveness of their ads based on clear actions taken by users.
    • Cost Per Install (CPI):This is the cost a brand pays for each time their app is installed. The charge is based on the number of installs generated by the ad campaign, helping brands measure the effectiveness of the campaign in increasing the number of users who install their app.

    By selecting the right campaign type and buying model, brands can optimize their ad spend and achieve better performance outcomes.

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    POKKT’s platform is designed to help brands achieve critical KPIs, such as:

    • Engagement Rate:Measure how actively users interact with ads.
    • Video Completion Rate: Track the percentage of users who watch the entire ad video.
    • CTR (Click Through Rate): Monitor the ratio of users who click on the ad.
    • Viewability: Ensure ads are viewable by the target audience.
    • Dwell Time: Measure the amount of time users spend engaging with the ad content.
    • Number of Installation: Tracks the number of app installations driven by the ad campaign, indicating the ad’s effectiveness in converting views into actions.

    Maximizing Brand Awareness

    POKKT helps brands reach large segments of potential customers, particularly within gaming environments where users are most receptive to ads. By utilizing suitable ad formats, brands can effectively spread awareness of their products and services.

    Enhancing Engagement and Consideration

    By tapping into key triggers that influence purchase decisions, POKKT’s ad formats engage mobile gamers and non-gamers alike, converting them into customers. The high levels of interest and interaction on gaming platforms result in exceptionally high brand recall value.

    Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

    POKKT offers detailed analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into campaign performance. This data-driven approach allows brands to make informed decisions, adjust strategies, and optimize campaigns for better results.

    Key Features of POKKT

    • Ad Formats:Includes Rewarded Video Ads, Interstitial Ads Banner, and Rich Media Interactive Ads.
    • Flexible Buying Models: Offers CPCV, CPM, CPI, and CPC models to suit various advertising needs.
    • Audience Identification: Utilizes a robust Data Management Platform (DMP) for precise audience segmentation and targeting.

    Benefits of POKKT

    POKKT, has become a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP) AnyMind Group is now able to provide online publishers in all regions in Asia-Pacific (APAC) with its publisher growth platform, AnyManager, alongside Google’s range of services and products.  
    • Enhanced Engagement: Engages users effectively through immersive ad experiences.
    • Advanced Audience Targeting: Leverages DMP to create specific audience segments, ensuring ads reach the most relevant users.
    • High-Impact Advertising: Drives awareness, engagement, and conversions by tapping into key moments in the customer journey.

    With APM and POKKT, AnyMind Group solidifies its position as a leader in the digital advertising landscape. These platforms offer advertisers unparalleled control, precision, and impact, enabling brands to reach their target audiences more effectively than ever before.

    In conclusion, AnyMind Group’s APM and POKKT platforms represent the forefront of digital marketing solutions, offering advertisers unparalleled opportunities to drive performance and brand visibility across both web and mobile environments. APM’s strategic placements, premium inventory, and advanced targeting capabilities ensure that advertisers reach the right audience with maximum impact. At the same time, POKKT’s innovative ad formats and robust audience targeting within mobile apps enable brands to engage users effectively, boosting both awareness and conversions. Together, these platforms empower advertisers or publishers with the tools and insights needed to meet their marketing goals, solidifying AnyMind Group’s position as a leader in the digital advertising landscape.

    For more information, visit AnyDigital

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