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AnyMind Group

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AnyMind Group All-Hands Meeting 2020

Here's how the first-ever virtual all-hands meeting went down!

In August, more than 750 #TeamAnyMind staff from across 13 markets dialled in for the company’s first-ever virtual all-hands meeting. Apart from monthly meetings for all staff, the all-hands meeting provides #TeamAnyMind across various markets and business lines with insights into the overall direction and exciting future plans of AnyMind Group.

The theme for this all-hands meeting is around appreciation and working together to overcome whatever challenges may lie ahead.

The evening started off with a video where AnyMind Group’s C-level staff thanked #TeamAnyMind for the efforts so far in adapting and persevering through 2020.

This was followed up by a keynote from Kosuke Sogo, CEO and co-founder of AnyMind Group, as he shared about the company’s early years of growth to present. A quick snapshot: when we gathered in July last year, the company had over 550 staff across 11 markets, and a year before that, we had 300 staff across 10 markets.

In what is becoming an iconic photo internally, Kosuke Sogo is pictured (see below) when AnyMind Group was founded – there were just two people in Singapore working out of a 10sqm office.

AnyMind Group at the start

In three years, the company expanded into three industries and made three acquisitions – one each in Japan, Hong Kong and Thailand.

AnyMind expansion after 3 years

And with 2020 not yet over, the company has expanded into an additional industry (direct-to-consumer), and made multiple acquisitions including POKKT Mobile Ads and GROVE.

AnyMind 2020 expansions

With AnyMind Group’s direct-to-consumer offering comprising of AnyMind D2C and AnyFactory amongst others, AnyMind Group provides individuals, influencers and content creators around the world with an end-to-end solution to ideate their own brand, create products, sell and deliver them.

AnyMind D2C flow

However, Sogo said a line that resounded with #TeamAnyMind “I believe that we still haven’t reached our potential yet.

With the company celebrating its fourth birthday in April 2020, the company still has much room for growth, having built a diversified business foundation and continued growth of market share across the region.

AnyMind Group has effectively condensed 10 years of growth in a typical startup or company, into just four years.

With this fast speed of growth, and at this stage of the company’s evolution, the decision was made to also realign AnyMind Group’s mission.

With the company now across the entertainment, marketing, direct-to-consumer and HR industries, a question has popped up in a number of internal and external conversations – why did a company, at such a young age, expand into so many different areas?

Since the start, AnyMind Group has been all about removing obstacles customers.

AnyMind purpose

Removing obstacles for businesses and marketers to reach their ideal audience segments, and removing obstacles for publishers to maximize their revenue.

Removing obstacles for marketers in influencer marketing, and removing obstacles for influencers and content creators to maximize their audience and influence.

Removing obstacles for HR professionals to go digital and increase efficiency.

Removing obstacles for individuals and businesses to adopt direct-to-consumer business models, and unlock new value in supply chains.

In this same vein, Sogo unveiled the company’s new mission – to make every business borderless. AnyMind Group Mission

A border does not just include geographical boundaries, but also borders between individuals and businesses, online and offline, between industries, and more.

Sogo continued that he deeply believes in a future without any borders to do business or any limitations for business growth – and not just for a selected few businesses, but for every single business in the world.

Since the start, AnyMind Group has broken down organizational and business borders in its fast-growth journey – and now, the company wants to help the world achieve this through AnyMind Group’s technology and solution stacks.

Sogo also announced an updated set of values for the company that reflect this new mission: Be open, be bold, move faster, stay updated and achieve together.

The new mission and values were driven by the company’s overall philosophy of Growth for Everyone – to align decisions towards the growth of all stakeholders involved.

AnyMind new values and mission

With this in mind, Sogo laid out a conclusive call-to-arms of “Let’s grow more together!”

The CEO keynote by Sogo was then followed up by quick-fire sessions by business leaders, sharing strategies and key insights into growth opportunities, and followed up with a toast by Chief Operating Officer of AnyMind Group, Rohit Sharma.

One line, in particular, stood out from Sharma’s toast – “I’ve never seen a company achieve this much in such a short period of time.”

With appreciation a key theme for this all-hands meeting, an awards session topped the evening off, with members from various countries and departments receiving prizes for their hard work and alignment with the company’s values.

Congratulations to all winners and nominees!

We’re now in the second half of 2020, and with a new business line and agenda for the company, the future looks set to be even more dynamic for AnyMind Group and our customers.

Watch this space!

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