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AnyMind Group

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TGIF AnyMind Pride Fest: Defining “Pride” at AnyMind

In June, AnyMind hosted a TGIF event celebrating diversity “AnyMind Pride Fest!” The event took place at AnyMind Thailand’s office.

We at AnyMind Group based in Thailand had an opportunity to gather for a warm and lively TGIF event, which was extra special this time as it was themed for Pride Month, celebrating diversity.

At AnyMind, the definition of “Pride” goes beyond just gender equality. We emphasize inclusivity across all aspects, including diversity in race, nationality, gender, and age. We support creativity, self-expression, openness to different perspectives, and staying informed about evolving technologies and global conditions.

We believe in diversity, creativity, and cutting-edge technology.

We promote individuality, capability, and the potential for personal and organizational growth. Everyone can be both a good leader and a good follower. Success deserves recognition and appreciation, regardless of one’s position.

We believe that having a diverse workforce, including various genders, ages, and nationalities, fosters a wide range of perspectives and new ideas that drive organizational success.

At this event, we organized activities that promote creativity, including performances from different teams and debate sessions. Employees from various teams shared interesting stories and experiences, contributing to a vibrant and enriching atmosphere.

Special Performance Activity

For us at AnyMind, performances are not just about having fun through singing or dancing. They are about breaking down age barriers, fostering communication within the organization, and encouraging everyone to engage with colleagues of different ages with an open mind and heart.

Debate Activity

In this activity, participants were divided into two groups to express their opinions on randomly assigned topics. The debate provided an opportunity for employees to voice their viewpoints with reason and support. Everyone was encouraged to share their ideas without judgment, promoting creativity and the courage to express and explain their thoughts. Additionally, participants were encouraged to be good listeners, understanding and responding to others’ opinions equally.

For those who want to be part of a diverse and dynamic work environment, check out the positions we have available at:

For those who want to be part of a diverse and dynamic work environment, check out the positions we have available at:AnyMind Career

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