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AnyMind Group

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GROOVE UP THE HYPE! TGIF August Celebration at AnyMind Group

At AnyMind, we believe that fun and connection go hand-in-hand with excellence and productivity, and this TGIF event was the perfect reminder. We’re already looking forward to the next one, where we will continue to “GROOVE UP THE HYPE” together!

Music acted as the bridge, uniting everyone across departments. A full house was treated to a lot of fun activities, starting with special performances by representatives from each team, who showcased their talents and left us all cheering for more.

Check out the energy from each team’s performance in the photos below!

And then came into the blind karaoke game! Each team’s representative had to sit back and sing along to the track, often hilariously out of sync with the lyrics. This game delivered some of the most unforgettable and funny moments, adding to the lively atmosphere of the night.

We wrapped up the night with a playlist of high-energy DJ tracks spun by one of AnyMind Group’s own, igniting the excitement as everyone hit the dance floor one last time. With every beat, the team was on fire, making it the perfect way to close out a month of hard work and collaboration.

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