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AnyMind Group

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AnyMind Thailand Team Ignites Excitement for the New Paradigm of Influencer Marketing at DAAT Day 2023 - Bangkok

In a compelling session at DAAT Day 2023, Kosuke Sogo, CEO of AnyMind Group, shared an insightful perspective on the current state of MarTech in Thailand, emphasizing that “MarTech is not tomorrow; it’s NOW.” Sogo conveyed that there remains ample room for expansion and untapped potential for MarTech to flourish in Thailand, much like the thriving e-commerce landscape in Japan. The comparison serves as a reminder that Thailand, too, can attain similar heights.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, especially within the realm of e-commerce, technology plays an indispensable role in fostering accelerated growth. AnyMind’s recent technological advancements have proven to be invaluable tools for marketers, enhancing their ability to work with greater speed and efficiency, from understanding consumer behavior to executing meticulously planned campaigns.

With AnyX

One of the chief challenges facing marketers is the scarcity of specialized expertise and advanced technology. However, AnyMind’s AnyX is adept at automating manual processes, streamlining operations, and providing e-commerce professionals, and even marketers, with real-time insights. This system empowers users to analyze data and assess campaign performance in real time, eliminating the need for cumbersome manual analysis.

With AnyTag

During the session, our speakers also highlighted AnyTag, a game-changing product designed to address the time-consuming challenges of influencer marketing. With a database of over 570,000 creators, AnyTag enables clients to effortlessly select and filter influencers based on their desired personas, streamlining the influencer selection process and saving valuable time.

Marketers and e-commerce professionals can also tap on platforms that operate in real-time, eliminating the need to wait until the end of a campaign to evaluate and address issues, but instead take immediate action, ensuring that campaigns are optimized for success.

The DAAT Summit 2023 in Bangkok was indeed an inspiring showcase of the immense potential that technology holds for businesses in Thailand, with AnyMind leading the charge in providing innovative solutions to drive success in this dynamic landscape.

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