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Publisher Insights: Product Features of AnyManager to Help Monetization for Publisher

As a Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP), AnyMind Group looks to help publishers to maximize revenue by providing the best range of technology, solutions and consulting. These come in the form of AnyManager, a platform that provides web and app publishers with analytics, monetization, user engagement features and build optimization. This is also supplemented by expert publisher teams across the region, providing best-in-class consultation and strategy for online publishers across Asia and beyond.

In this article, the discussion will focus more on the platform that we equip online web and app publishers with AnyManager. AnyManager itself is a one stop platform that supports and integrates demand from GAM/AdX, SSPs and other ad networks. By using AnyManager, publishers can look to grow incrementally and drive greater monetization and user engagement. To better understand the functions and features of AnyManager further, we will explore some of the key functions of AnyManager:

1. Analytics

By using AnyManager, publishers are able to analyze revenue data from various performance indicators over a certain period of time, such as how the ad performance has improved or whether traffic from a specific market has changed.

a. Dashboard

This feature is the first thing users see when they login to the AnyManager platform. By default, publishers will see daily performance data from their ads.

b. Report

Within the report function, publishers who are seeking performance indicators can easily create queries to run data retrieval reports, and get deeper insights into their properties. Through this, publishers can generate data by selecting the type of report to generate, including various fields, dimensions and metrics based on a specific period.

c. App Analytics

Within the app analytics feature, publishers can get in-depth analytics around their mobile app data. Publishers can also utilize modules such as competitor analysis, deep review analytics, qand more for app store optimization.

d. Health Score

In the health score report, app publishers can analyze the health status of their site and receive recommendations on how to improve the status of their site. This includes scores around development, monetization, analytics and user acquisition, with indicators and recommendations covering (but not limited to) app-ads.txt implementation, ad formats, policy violations, app store ranking, installs and more.

2. Engage

In the engage function, publishers have features to improve and analyze user engagement on their websites. In this case, the user is given two features that they can run, including:

a. Progressive Web App (PWA)

PWA is an easy-implementation solution that can improve mobile user experience and increase user engagement. PWAs provide a native app-like experience without the need for users to download and install apps directly on their mobile phone. In this case, PWA uses a push notification feature where readers can subscribe to the sites they like, and hence can be kept updated about the latest updates/news from publishers. In this case, the editorial team can push updated articles that are liked by their loyal readers through the AnyManager dashboard. Moreover, publishers can target push articles based on the device or location of the user. In addition, publishers can also analyze their engagement rate in the reporting function to see the number of subscribers, clicks, CTR, notifications sent, revoked users, and even the number of users who added the publisher icon to their home screen.

Based on a case study of one publisher who has collaborated with PWA with the push notification feature with AnyMind from August 1, 2020, the table below can explain the increase in numbers before and after implementing PWA:

As can be seen, publishers are able to increase their user engagement with average session duration per user as page load times decreased from 8 seconds in May to 6 seconds in October. At the same time, subscribers increased from 866 users in August to 145,000 subscribers in October. In addition, publishers have also pushed several notifications with a CTR of 0.29% which means that they are getting more users for their content.

As a conclusion, there is no doubt that the implementation of PWA technology on publisher sites that is carried out on-time, precise, and relevant is a solid foundation to increase user engagement.

3. Build

In the “Build” function, publishers can find the AMP CMS tab, where publishers can directly create and edit AMP layouts from AnyManager.


In this tab, publishers can directly edit the styling of the AMP that has been created by the AnyMind team on the AnyManager dashboard. There are several things publishers can do, for example seeing a preview of their AMP output, editing the header and font, logo, and footer. In addition, publishers can also move the position of ads by using the AnyManager platform.

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