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Case Study

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Publisher Growth

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Enhancing interstitial fill rate by 4X for Business Today with Web Interstitial Triggers

Written by: Hong Doan

Senior Platform Operations Executive

Hong is a dedicated professional with over 3+ years of experience in the Programmatic Advertising field, specializing in Website optimization, troubleshooting, and analysis. She has collaborated with more than 300+ publishers across diverse countries, including (TW, TH, PH, ID, IN) and expertly manages Private Marketplace advertising.

Hong’s proficiency spans both the DSP and SSP sides, with hands-on experience in industry-leading platforms. Known for her flexibility and adaptability, she leverages the latest innovations to drive significant uplift for the publishers she works with.

Business Today Taiwan (businesstoday.com.tw) is a leading financial news website in Taiwan. Founded in 1996, it provides comprehensive news and analysis coverage of market trends, investment advice, economic policies, and corporate strategies across categories including finance, economics and technology. The site also features lifestyle, health, and education content, aiming to keep readers informed about both professional and personal interests​. With its comprehensive coverage and authoritative reporting, Business Today serves as a trusted resource for individuals seeking to stay informed about the latest business news and trends in Taiwan and the global arena.

The Collaboration Between Business Today and AnyMind Group

Like other publishers in the market, Business Today struggled with low fill rates in Interstitial formats, at lower than 3% which results in limited revenue potential. The reason for low Fill-rate because the low Impressions in the Interstitial format have a fixed frequency capping by default by Google Ad Manager. This prevents the same user from being shown an interstitial more than once per hour, per subdomain. It is not similar to the banner, there’s no frequency capping like Interstitial format so the banner has a higher Fill-rate than Interstitial.

To remain sustainable and uplift in revenue on this ad unit, addressing these issues was crucial. Being GCPP certified, AnyMind was able to provide Business Today not just with its own proprietary technology and expertise, but also leverage Google’s products and services. After Google released Web Interstitial Triggers feature, AnyMind reviewed publishers to test the performance to see how it performs. Business Today was one of the first publishers to try this feature in Nov 2023 and it had good results, increasing up to 18% in the Fill-rate.

Web Interstitial Triggers are full-screen ads that appear at natural transition points in the flow of a user’s activity on a website. They are typically displayed between content, such as between article pages or during transitions to different sections of a website. And this feature then was scaled up for most of AnyMind publishers.

The testing showed that Web Interstitial Triggers was beneficial in boosting Business Today’s revenue through interstitial formats.

Web Interstitial Triggers uplift 4X in the Fill-rate

The results were astonishing, providing a significant boost to revenue generated from interstitial ads.

  • The fill-rate grew rapidly by 4X compared to before November 2023 as the chart below shows.
  • Revenue Growth: A significant increase in fill-rate led to average revenue increasing rapidly by 212%.

In conclusion

The partnership between Business Today and AnyMind, highlighted by the successful implementation of Web Interstitial Triggers, has led to significant revenue growth. This case study exemplifies how strategic partnerships combined with innovative ad solutions can drive substantial revenue increases and bolster business sustainability.

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