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Publisher Growth

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AnyMind Careers: Takahiko Iwabuchi shares about the Publisher Growth department

We speak with Takahiko Iwabuchi, Regional Head of Publisher Growth in AnyMind Group. He shares with us what it is like working in the Publisher Growth team, the best thing about working in AnyMind Group, as well as the knowledge and skills that a Publisher Growth professional needs to have.

Could you share with us your career path since joining AnyMind?

I first joined a company called FourM, a subsidiary of AnyMind. Later, AnyMind acquired FourM and I joined AnyMind. After joining AnyMind, I worked as a sales rep and then as a sales manager.

When I achieved success in Japan, I was awarded the Global Sales MVP and Manager MVP awards.

I also wanted to work outside of Japan, so I moved to Thailand and set up a regional sales team. I also had product and industry knowledge, and I also became a product manager, which allowed me to contribute to publishers from the product side as well.

In your opinion, what is the difference between demand and supply side?

If I explain it briefly, the Demand Side provides services to advertisers and the Supply Side provides services to media. There are several types of media, including television, social media, mobile apps, and websites. In other words, the Supply Side is closer to the consumer, so we are always thinking about how we can help publishers deliver a more comfortable experience to their users.

Can you share with us more about the Publisher Growth team and AnyManager?

Publisher Growth is a department that helps maximize the business value of websites and mobile apps.

We have several teams: local sales teams, regional business development team, regional operations team, and product development teams. We work together to drive the success of our clients.

Publisher Growth offers AnyManager, which is a platform that has a wide range of features that enable publishers to continuously grow. Last year, AnyManager received the Google Innovation Award. By providing this platform, publishers can grow more simply and rapidly.

What knowledge do you have to learn when you joined this industry?

It was necessary to deepen knowledge of the marketing industry as a whole such as a product knowledge, analytics tool, demand sources, and so on.

It is also necessary to stay updated with new information on a daily basis because this industry is changing at a rapid pace.

Before joining Publisher Growth team, what should a new joiner learn about?

It is logical thinking. In the business of Publisher Growth, we can analyze website and app’s revenue performance numerically. We implement various measures to improve their business value, but when changes appear, we need to analyze what is causing the changes. In this case, we recommend new joiners to have logical thinking skills.

Any words for those interested to join the Publisher Growth team and AnyMind Group?

Compared to the Demand Side, there are far fewer players in the Publisher Growth business, which is the Supply Side. However, as long as there is a Demand Side, the Supply Side will not disappear. In other words, the availability of talent in the Publisher Growth business will continue to increase and opportunities will be available.

As you can see from my career, AnyMind Group is a company that offers many opportunities for people. If you have the ambition to continue to grow yourself, your clients, and society, please feel free to come and talk to us!

Hear more about his story through the video below!

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