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Influencer Marketing

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Webinar: State of Influencer Marketing in Asia 2020

Deep dive into the State of Influencer Marketing in Asia 2020

About this webinar

Influencer marketing has generated a lot of hype, but are marketers realizing its fullest potential? We’ve taken a look at how influencer marketing is shaping up for Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan, identifying trends and key data points that are essential for marketers moving forward.

Join us as we dive into the findings, analyze performance benchmarks, look at various use cases and share how your brand’s social media accounts can be better aligned with influencer marketing efforts. We’ll also share a bit about how AnyTag (formerly known as CastingAsia) is powering the influencer marketing industry, and some key tips for marketers to keep in mind for the future.

Agenda • State of influencer marketing in Asia for 2020 • Performance benchmarks of influencer campaigns on AnyTag • Best practices in leveraging data for your influencer marketing strategy: Brand social media insights and KOL selection • Case studies • About AnyTag platform: What you need to know

Webinar details Date: 8 December 2020 Time: 2pm GMT+7 Location: Zoom


The webinar has now ended, and registration is closed



Pran Wongsassanabudh (Piano), Senior Regional Strategic Planner, Influencer Marketing

Yoko Hirakawa, Product Manager, Influencer Marketing

Peartip Tripuvanuntakul (Pear), Deputy Head of Strategic Planning, Influencer Marketing and Digital Marketing

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