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#AnyMindJourney sessions: Sunsanee Alansari (Joy), Deputy Head of Corporate, Thailand

Read and hear about Sunsanee Alansari's (Joy) journey at AnyMind Group

Hello, my name is Sunsanee Alansari, better known as Joy. I have been working at AnyMind Group’s office in Thailand for 4.5 years as the Deputy Head of Corporate, Thailand.

Prior to joining AnyMind Group, I worked as a secretary at a Japan-based trading company, where I received an opportunity to learn and gain experience in a customer service role for the export industry. Afterwards, I moved to a Dutch brand coffee supplier company, and in total, I had 13 years of professional experience before joining AnyMind Group.

These experiences allowed me to learn and grow personally and professionally as it gave me the chance to challenge myself in terms of negotiation and time management skills.

The opportunity and trust given to me by Kosuke Sogo, CEO and co-founder of AnyMind Group, has motivated me to contribute to the company’s growth and development. This is a company that I’ve helped to grow since the start, joining AnyMind Group during its early days back in 2016. Besides that, the love that I have for this company has been driving me to create more value for the company and to initiate more functions that the company needs.

As one of the early members in the Thai office, I feel very strongly about the company. It is like a child to me, seeing it grow over the years!

In the near future, I would like to take more responsibility and I feel that we staying updated and being bold to take new challenges (two of our AnyMind Values), are very important to thrive at AnyMind Group. I really believe in this saying, and I’m sure there are many others in the company that think the same way: “If you think you can do it, you can”.

Hear more about her story through the video below!

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