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Diversifying Advertising in 2020

AdAsia Holdings along with CastingAsia provide solutions across advertising and marketing that are of essential importance and value for any marketer today in this competitive playing field.

As we approach closer to the new year, it is of importance that marketers and advertisers are on top of upcoming trends and happenings in the industry in order to best formulate plans for next year. Let’s take a look below at some new and upcoming trends in the advertising industry.

Shoppability in ads

Today, social media and e-commerce play a huge role in how B2C (and even B2B) brands engage with their customers. We’re also seeing the rise of shoppable posts and advertisements. Shoppable posts allow users to simply engage with a shoppable item in the advertisement that they are interested in purchasing – leading towards a sales conversion, sign up, or business-related user action, all within the advertising frame.

By simply browsing through social media, websites or even when playing a mobile game, online shoppers can take their shopping experience to new heights of convenience. Marketers can definitely take advantage of this technology in the years to come as a new and innovative way to drive sales conversions.

What this means is that marketers will still need to link awesome creatives with today’s targeting and technology options – however, the audience’s path to purchase is much quicker (they don’t have to be redirected to another webpage).

With shoppable videos, marketers have even more possibilities – from tracking audience interest points (which feature or product within the video attracted them the most), to placing multiple products within a single video ad.

Diversifying Advertising in 2020

OOH and DOOH Advertising

The majority of people nowadays are connected to the digital world in some form every day, so it definitely makes sense to use this playing field as an advertising medium to reach their audiences. However, what is the best route for digital advertising in the near future?

Well, of course there are the standard banner and video ads that we all see on various websites as we are browsing online day-to-day, but when you really take a look around, you will begin to notice forms of advertising popping up on screens throughout cities, residential units, transportation hubs, taxis, etc. This type of advertising is called Out-of-Home (OOH) or Digital-out-of Home (DOOH) advertising.

The difference between OOH and DOOH? OOH advertising is usually a static advertisement, whilst DOOH advertising is digitally-served. What this means is that DOOH advertising screens can display multiple advertisements within a shorter period of time compared to OOH where the same static advertisement is displayed over a period of time.

This also allows advertisers to better target audiences based on location, demographic and other factors, and with the right partners, vendors or integrations, you can effectively build a cohesive brand story across devices and outdoor advertising – providing your target audiences with an immersive physical and virtual advertising experience.

Diversifying Advertising in 2020

Emphasis on Storytelling and Influencer Relationships

Another way to reach audiences and pull on their heartstrings is to weave a properly built brand story and advertising plan for them to engage and relate with. Using brand storytelling to the best of your advantage is something that will definitely have a large impact amongst your brand followers.

One way to do this is to partner up with social media influencers that have a strong voice and resonation with your brand. The story of a particular product line or sequence of brand-related events may then be told through a brand ambassador or an influencer that you create a long-term relationship with. Consumers will then be able to feel a better connection and their emotions will be attached to the brand, which in turn will possibly lead to increased conversations, conversions and long-term loyalty.

Additionally, cost-per-acquisition capabilities are now being introduced into influencer marketing – like what CastingAsia did – providing marketers with a way to deliver influencer marketing against business results.

What marketers can do here is to combine influencer marketing with online advertising, further reinforcing storylines driven by either activity – ultimately ensuring that you are building a cohesive conversation with your customers.

Diversifying Advertising in 2020

In association with the methods of advertising and marketing outlined above, a proper plan of action and realistic goal setting will continue to be standard practice. Using the right tools and leveraging upon expert advice and knowledge will be of pivotal importance to the marketer in 2020.

AdAsia Holdings along with CastingAsia provide solutions across advertising and marketing that are of essential importance and value for any marketer today in this competitive playing field. Reach out to us today to discuss how we can address the needs of your business.

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