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AnyMind Group

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AnyMind Group launches online publication AI-Lab

AI-Lab is an online web media that provides the latest information on the latest AI trends and effective use of AI tools so that readers can better understand and utilize AI technologies

AnyMind Group, a technology company for the business supply chain, has today announced the launch of AI-Lab, a web-based publication that provides a range of AI-related information such as trends and practical business applications of AI.

Accessible through the following link:, articles published include the likes of:
-[OpenAI] In-depth explanation of the appeal and utilization of GPTs and GPTs Store!
-[January 2024] 10 most recommended and popular image generation AI tools [In-depth comparison].
-Challenge to write blog articles with ChatGPTs! Test the AI writers’ sense and skills!
-Creating a business plan with GPTs

In conjunction with AI-Lab, Mia, an AI-generated virtual influencer, will deliver various AI-related information on her social media channels:
Instagram :
TikTok :
X :

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