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AnyMind Group

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A Day in the Life of...a Finance member in Indonesia: Aderia Septiani

In this edition of “A Day in the Life of…” we speak to Aderia Septiani (Ria), Senior Executive, Finance, Indonesia. The role of the finance department is more than just doing the books and taxes, but also to help management make the right decisions at every stage of the company’s growth. At the same time, the finance department ensures profitability, longevity, and success of the company. Here is a look into a day in the life of Ria as a Finance member in Indonesia.

Your Daily Schedule

09.00 – 10.00 Let’s start the day!

Activity: Check my calendar, emails, and create a to-do list for the day.

I’m refreshed to start the day! Whether working from home or in the office, when I start my work, I usually check my calendar to see my schedule for the day. Next, I will check email and all the communication platforms that I usually use with my workmates/managers such as WhatsApp and Workplace to check if there are any tasks that need to be settled immediately. After that, I will make a to-do list for the day, so I know which work to prioritize for the day.

10.00 – 12.00 Working on my to-do list

Activity: Get started with urgent tasks/tight deadlines.

Working in the finance department, we’re always faced with tight deadlines but build a routine to manage these deadlines well. I will start working with tight deadline tasks if there are any. After that, I will continue with tasks that require confirmation from my workmate or another department. Since it will take more time for confirmation, all tasks should be done as early as possible. Besides that, I will have enough time for double and triple checking because that is what a finance member must do. We must ensure that everything is done accurately, properly and according to the company’s regulations.

12.00 – 13.00 Filling Tummy Time

Activity: Get lunch to boost energy and focus

At the moment, we have a split team arrangement when working in the office, to ensure that we are safe from a COVID-19 outbreak in the office. I do enjoy when its my turn to work in the office since I can have lunch with my workmates and team while chit-chatting. This helps to boost my mood and productivity as well.

13.00 – 16.00 Come Back and Focus for the Rest of the Day

After the lunch sessions. I go back to work as by this time, I should have received data or information required from other departments. While doing work, I also listen to some music or just having a small conversation with my colleagues with my fingers keep on typing.

16.00 – 18.00 Snacking Time and Finishing the Job

During this hour, usually the team and I would crave for some light snacks before dinner time. We will go to the lower ground level of the office to buy snacks or street food. After that, I will continue to work on tasks that do not require confirmation from other departments such as updating lists on system.

[Extra] What kind of department is the Finance Division?

Working in the finance department is FUN, FUN, and FUN. Even though our daily tasks require focus and sometimes it can be a lot to handle, but being in the right team with fun colleagues and manager is never boring and this affects the way we do our job. If we are happy, we will be able to deliver results as well.

Of course, we make mistakes too, but the manager of our team, Devi Aprilia, always tell us to “Be Open” and admit to the mistakes that we make, and take it as a learning point to improve more. She also says, “When there is a mistake, do not look for who did it wrong, but instead look for the solutions.”

Working in a dream team

When I first joined AnyMind Group in October 2019, there were only three people in the team. As the company grew, we grew along with it. Now, we have seven people in Indonesia’s finance department. With the new members joining us, I have the trust and opportunity to coach them in order to make our team become solid.

Although at first, there might be some gaps in communication, they are all willing to learn and adapt very fast to the culture of the team. Besides that, there is a monthly sharing session in our team where all members share anything such as skills or knowledge may it be related to work or not. With this opportunity, we have the urge to learn and keep updating ourselves.

In our team, we are always challenged by our leader to bring new changes in terms of solving tasks in a more efficient way. During my first year at the company, I was handling Account Receivable tasks, then a year later, I was challenged to improve myself better by handling Account Payable tasks, and soon after that, I was promoted to a higher level. But, this does not stop. When you are given a new path to grow, it means there will be more things to learn and more responsibilities to handle.

I have grown a lot in terms of skills, knowledge, and personality after joining the company. This happened as the company gives the employees the same chances to grow along with it. I am also under great leadership who always challenges me to learn and grow my career.

On this opportunity, I would like to thank AnyMind Group for the trust and support so far, I am grateful and hope that I can contribute more to the company’s goals!

Hear more about her story through the video below!

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