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CastingAsia發表全新平台與商標CastingAsia Marketplace


AnyMind Group旗下的CastingAsia是一家致力以人工智能為核心進而提供市場推廣方案的科技公司,今日宣佈推出可專為微型KOL (micro-influencer) 與品牌主設計的新合作平台 ─ CastingAsia Marketplace。甫於不久前歷經組織重組的CastingAsia目前為 AnyMind 集團旗下的獨立業務單位,並擁有獨特的產品組合:

CastingAsia Platform (http://casting-asia.com/platform/ )


CastingAsia Marketplace (http://casting-asia.com/marketplace/ )


CastingAsia Engagement ( http://casting-asia.com/engagement/ )


AnyMind Group創辦人及行政總裁十河宏輔 (Kosuke Sogo) 表示:「新平台的差異化特性可望為市場推廣人員與KOL雙方提供更專業的資源。透過 CastingAsia Marketplace平台,市場推廣人員將能輕易取得數千位KOL的資訊,讓他們可以掌握本地化特性,進而擴展KOL市場推廣活動的規模。」

CastingAsia將指派林信吾 (Shingo Hayashi) 擔任新區域主管,並直接隸屬於十河宏輔負責,執掌CastingAsia 平台的整體產品、商業策略與業務成長。Hayashi表示:「我們目前已與超過一萬名KOL與微型KOL合作,並計畫在今年底前將規模擴大至3倍到3萬名KOL。這也將使我們成為亞洲區成長最快速且最具規模的KOL市場推廣平台。」

此外,CastingAsia Engagement團隊遍佈全球9個國家及10個城市,幫助市場推廣與KOL協助其市場推廣活動取得本地化支援以達到最佳成效。

About AnyMind Group

AnyMind Group was formed in January 2018 and is the parent company of AdAsia Holdings, TalentMind and CastingAsia. Along with a proprietary AI-driven matching engine and SaaS solutions, AnyMind Group aims to provide industries, businesses and professionals with a suite of solutions to enable greater efficiency and scale. Headquartered in Singapore, AnyMind Group has 10 offices in 9 countries with over 250 staff.

About AdAsia Holdings

AdAsia Holdings is a technology company that provides advertisers and publishers with integrated end-to-end solutions that are driven by AI, for online advertising and site monetization needs. Apart from products including the AdAsia Digital Platform for Advertisers, AdAsia Digital Platform for Publishers, AdAsia Ad Network and AdAsia Video Network, AdAsia Holdings also provides advertisers and publishers with managed services that include digital strategy and site monetization consultation, the execution of digital advertising activities and creative production.

Media Contact

Chris Lu

Senior Regional Manager, Communications


+65 6386 7368

Winston Zhang

Communications Executive


+65 6386 7368

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