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AnyMind Group

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Lunchtime Chat with... Nguyen Minh Giang (Manager Art Director)

We go with another lunchtime chat this time with a very special person coming from HCMC office. He is behind the creative and art projects, whilst he loves travelling to explore new places! Let's take a look at how Nguyen Minh Giang conquers the challenges and obstacles in his life!

Tell us about your prior work experience.

I started my career as graphic design team lead at e-commerce company, Zalora. After that, I moved to Maxus as Senior Graphic Designer. Then, I wanted to spread my wings into another challenging role at Havas as Junior Art Director. I then decided to see how far I can grow by joining this awesome startup, AnyMind Group’s AdAsia Holdings.

Tell us more about your role in AnyMind Group.

I have been with AnyMind Group since January 2018 as Associate Art Director. My role revolves around brainstorming ideas to pitch to clients, visualizing the ideas, and put them into play. Additionally, I am also in charge for monitoring and assigning the workload in the team while growing the graphic design team further by bringing in the right talent for us.

What attracted you to join AnyMind Group?

When I first knew that AnyMind Group is a start-up company which encourages its employees to grow together with the company, I decided to join the company and bring the skills and experiences I had to the table. To make it more comprehensive, I love a good challenge, in a fast-paced environment, allowing me to learn and experience new things.

Before joining AnyMind Group, what did you know about the marketing or influencer marketing industry?

To be honest, I didn’t have much knowledge in this area, I just knew that this industry is an inventive one and it keeps growing bigger everyday. Whenever I’m on Facebook or Instagram, I often stumble upon celebrities and ‘personalities’ talking about a certain product or way to do something.

How has it been so far and what do you enjoy the most about your role?

I was given the chance to explore new areas, and find out where else I can use my experience to excel in. I think almost anyone would be happy to be given a chance to learn and grow themselves.

I like how challenging work is: I have to admit that things are really fast-paced, but I never get bored of it. I always feel excited to go to work and cannot wait to explore as many new things as possible. I want to maintain this level of motivation and keep going strong.

How has your role and the company evolved over the time you’ve been with the company?

Things have improved since I joined the company, and it has given me room to explore and develop different skills across different areas of expertise. Initially, I had to build clearer workflows for the team, but going through all that means that life is much better now, and it’s a lot easier to get things done these days.

Tell us more about your personality.

More often than I’d like to admit, people call me crazy – but in a good way! I’ve been told that I have a pretty decent sense of humour as well, and honestly, I’m a friendly person. I’m a pretty quiet person when I first meet someone new, but it’s not because I’m shy, but because I stutter. It’s something that I’m pretty open about, and it definitely has not made me lose my sense of humour!

What tips or advice do you have for your co-workers?

Be nice and open to everyone and anything. We should treat our colleagues as friends, and approach any obstacles together. This is also because we spend most of our day at work, and can work in a comfortable environment. The friendlier it gets, the more comfort it provides and the more productive you’ll be.

What can’t you live without?

Travelling. For that to happen, two other things immediately arise that I also can’t live without – money and the time to travel. I love to explore new places with its beauty and scenery. Travelling provides me with inspiration in my work and life!

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