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AnyMind Group

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Lunchtime chat with... Bui Trung Chi (Data Scientist, AnyMind Group)

We're back once again with Bui Trung Chi, whose work on the TalentMind platform won him the Best Engineer award at our recent all-hands meeting in January 2019. He shares about his thirst for knowledge and how it has helped him innovate, and how it's like working in a multi-national development team.

Tell us about your prior work experience

Prior to joining AnyMind Group, I was a software developer for 2 years. My responsibilities included building a back-end web server and developing desktop applications. I also did some research into the application of natural language processing (NLP) on bioinformatics problems. This experience put me in good stead to understand and balance the unique needs of data science on user-friendly software.

Tell us more about your role in AnyMind Group

As a data scientist at AnyMind Group, my work includes the research and development of our artificial intelligence models. Some of my work also extends to researching on the optimization of machine learning programs with state-of-the-art NLP, whilst ensuring smooth collaboration and communication with our other engineers to define clever and interactive solutions.

What attracted you to join AnyMind Group?

There was a three-fold attraction – the chance to work with and learn from engineers from many countries, including Taiwanese, Russians, Japanese, Vietnamese, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, and more.

The tools and tech that we’re using also attracted me to join the company – we’re at a nice point right now, where we have a good environment and good resources at our disposal.

Another attraction was also the opportunity to work with cool products, each with their own challenging (but exciting) uniqueness. For example, how we can implement an AI module built for an HR product, into an influencer marketing platform.

Bui Trung Chi

How has it been so far and what do you enjoy the most about your role?

The working processes here are organized well, and work is really smooth. The most exciting thing though, is the opportunity to meet really awesome people here. We work hard together, have fun together, learn from each other, and grow together.

What was your biggest professional achievement in the past 6 months?

My last six months were so meaningful, as I had the opportunity to see something I worked on – a new NLP module – implemented onto the TalentMind system. This ultimately creates a smarter and more usable product to our customers. As an engineer, satisfaction is achieved when we see something we’ve built with our own hands (and keyboards) being used by satisfied customers.

Personally, the Best Engineer award is such a big honor, and I am glad that my contribution has been recognized and appreciated.

Bui Trung Chi

How has your role and the company evolved over the time you’ve been with the company?

Working for AnyMind Group is a big chance for me. While contributing additional value to the business, I am also able to learn new skills and expand my domain knowledge.

Each day, I’m discovering more and more about the advertising, marketing and human resource industries – they are all interesting and full of opportunities – and all these industries can be further enhanced by technology.

It is great that AnyMind Group is growing so fast in these fields, which results in many exciting challenges that we can work on and learn from.

What do you think contributed to your success in the past 6 months?

I definitely have to give the organization of our working process a big thumbs up. This has helped greatly contributed to my success, and of course, the team as well.

I’m also very happy to have professional, friendly and helpful colleagues and managers – this ultimately contributes to my satisfaction working here too.

Additionally, the company’s vision and philosophy are a great match for my career development. Finding a good company fit is essential to how well a person does in their career, and I’m happy that I’m in this environment.

What tips or advice do you have for your co-workers?

Our team has an international culture, and we need to be open and discuss from different perspectives. A “Growth for Everyone” mindset is also important, because when we contribute to our colleagues, stakeholders and company, we contribute to our own growth as well.

Tell us about the real you! What drives you, what do you like to do in your spare time?

I spend a lot of time on social media: scrolling through Facebook posts, reading Quora answers, and watching trending YouTube videos. I like to keep myself constantly updated about what’s happening in the world, and also increasing my domain and general knowledge.

I also frequently hang out with my friends, but when they are busy, I like to enjoy tasting new cuisines, and exploring new places in the city by myself.

Sleep is my top priority, and I always try to avoid a lack of sleep in my hectic life. Sleeping helps me keep my mind refreshed, and I feel great after a good sleep.

Bui Trung Chi

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