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AnyMind Group

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Lunchtime Chat with... Yusuke Yasuda (Regional Deputy Head, Ad Operations)

We go with another lunchtime chat this time with a very special person coming from Hanoi office. He said that he is funny (let's see 😉) So now, let's take a look at how Yusuke Yasuda cracks his jokes and how he adapts the growth of AnyMind Group in Hanoi office from the perspective of a Regional Deputy Head of Ad Operations.

Tell us about your prior work experience.

Well actually, I have been in the industry for around 21 years. It all started when I worked in Japan developing websites in 1997 til 2001, where I moved into programming. After that, I delved into ad operations. Before joining AnyMind Group and AdAsia Holdings, I moved to Hanoi to manage an offshore advertising team.

I then joined AnyMind Group to lead the ad operations center here in Hanoi. The ad operations center is a centralised ad operations unit that provides clients with a managed service for both our products and partner platforms. I’ve also used my experience to drive greater effectiveness and efficiency for the team here.

Tell us more about your role in AnyMind Group.

As Regional Deputy Head of the Ad Operations Center in Hanoi, my role revolves around improving the results of clients who have trusted our managed ad operations service. This also involves providing business support to ad operations teams in other offices while formulating efficient workflows for all the members.

I also help to educate team members, expanding their skills and knowledge! Growth for everyone 🤓

What attracted you to join AnyMind Group?

It all started when a friend of mine introduced me to this company, AnyMind Group. Once I heard the vision and mission of the company with its fast growth and international outlook, I thought that I could contribute to the growth of AnyMind Group with my experience and expertise. Moreover, I was told that I would be working in Hanoi. Of course, I couldn’t let this opportunity slide off, because I could learn more from different cultures outside of Japan.

Before joining AnyMind Group, what did you know about the marketing or influencer marketing industry?

Before I joined this company, my range of knowledge in marketing consisted of the buy-side of online marketing, especially search network, display network and social media marketing. As for influencer marketing, I had some general knowledge of it, understanding the basics of personalities that have an influence over their audiences.

After working here for some time, I’ve been exposed to much more about influencer marketing. It’s not my primary focus of work, but it’s definitely an interesting industry!

But that’s not all. I sometimes consult on how we’re building our in-house products – particularly the AdAsia Premium Marketplace – and how we can tie our ad operations workflow to a product that features display, native and video advertising through a single platform.

How has it been so far and what do you enjoy the most about your role?

Working hard and being appreciated for the work done has been the most rewarding feeling. I think almost everyone would be very happy to be recognized for the effort he/she puts in, and that is what I feel because everyone is so supportive. The positive feedback from the Hanoi team always ignites the spark in me and lets me know that I am in the right place.

Of course, a lot of these positive feelings are highlighted when the team acquires new accounts! That always gives great feelings of achievement.

How has your role and the company evolved over the time you’ve been with the company?

I have been with this company since the end of 2017, and although it’s been just over half a year, I am thankful that this company has evolved in some different areas which give me room to explore and develop different skills.

AnyMind Group has expanded quite quickly – we now have 11 offices in 10 markets and a product development center. In term of products, now we have more versatile products and solutions for the clients, allowing us to meet more client demands. We’ve also entered into the human resource technology industry – an area where I’m confident we can make big strides in with TalentMind.

Tell us more about your personality.

I could say that I am a positive and friendly person. Whenever things get tough, I would always try to look on the positive side of things and try to learn from the problem.

I also think I am funny 😛 But yes, I love cracking jokes, I think it helps to keep everyone (including myself!) at ease 😎

What tips or advice do you have for your co-workers?

For me, working is about give and take. You should treat others as you would like to be treated. If you want a positive response, start by taking positive actions yourself first, walk the talk!

Additionally, I would like to emphasise that the company is still growing, and there are many things that everyone can learn from this growth process. By being positive and understanding, you can develop a conducive work environment for yourself and others 😊

What can’t you live without?

I would say the love from my family! It has always been my number one priority and the center of my universe. I would be nothing without my family, I wouldn’t be going anywhere without their love.

Another thing is having great bosses who can be great business partners and teachers at the same time, because it always motivates me to do better in life. I believe that this is a wonderful thing.

One more, knowing that others are appreciative of my efforts. It keeps me connected and provides positive reinforcement. “Thank you” notes from others always melt my heart in the end.

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