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AnyMind Group

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Kosuke Sogo, CEO of AnyMind Group on POKKT acquisition

Kosuke Sogo on POKKT acquisition, business synergies and what this means for customers

Dear stakeholders,

Last week, we announced the acquisition of POKKT Mobile Ads (POKKT), and this week we start yet another stage of growth for AnyMind Group. I am pleased that we are able to leverage on both companies’ strengths, as we look to grow further, together.

The synergy is immediately apparent on three different levels.

1) Market synergy
We have always targeted India and the Middle East for expansion, and POKKT’s bases in these markets allow us to have a local footprint from 17 offices and 13 markets across Southeast Asia, East Asia, India and the Middle East.

What this means is that we are opening up opportunities for our marketers, publishers, influencers, creators and all other stakeholders, from Southeast Asia and East Asia into India and the Middle East, and vice versa – enabling greater expansion and synergy across these markets in the entertainment tech, marketing tech and HR tech spaces.

2) Product synergy
POKKT is a leading in-app video ad platform that is integrated with over 1,000 app publishers with a reach of 500,000,000 monthly active users (MAU).

This is something we have started to build up recently, and POKKT provides us with an immediate and strong footprint for mobile advertising.

On the other side, we have built strong offerings for browser-based display and video ads through the AdAsia Premium Marketplace, and all the above are available through the AdAsia Digital Platform and AdAsia360 for advertisers and publishers respectively.

3) Leadership synergy
The decision to appoint Rohit as Chief Operating Officer was unanimous between Otohiko, Keizo and I. This shows the extent of trust that we have in Rohit as a business leader and as a person. We are also entrusting Vhaibhav to grow the POKKT offering in our other markets, and also lead India and the Middle East for AnyMind Group.

This allows all of us to play to our strengths, and bring greater growth to the business.

I also want to take this time to highlight the leadership team we have put in place at AnyMind Group. These individuals of different backgrounds have proven their abilities not just as business leaders, but also leaders of people.

I am confident that with this team in place, we can grow further, together.

For marketers and advertisers
We want to thank you for your support throughout the years, and we are now in a position to provide you with a strong and integrated solution for your marketing needs.

Combined across all of our markets, we have a direct inventory scale of 1,200 online publishers with a reach of over 117 billion monthly impressions, 1,000 mobile app publishers with a reach of 500 million MAU, and more than 1,800 DOOH signages in Thailand and Japan.

Also, CastingAsia can provide you with access to over 150,000 influencers and influencer data points globally, including a pool of exclusive and non-exclusive talents across Asia through the CastingAsia Creators Network, Moindy, GROVE and AnyUp.

You can now easily leverage on online marketing and influencer marketing through a one-stop solution.

For publishers
There is now an immense opportunity for us to work more together. Previously we focused mostly on browser-based monetization, but we can now offer a ready-made infrastructure for mobile apps.

You will still enjoy the advantages of working with us, including the vast array of monetization opportunities, quality support and local & regional expertise to grow your properties.

What will change though, is the added demand from India and the Middle East regions, looking to reach audiences in Southeast Asia and East Asia.

I am excited for the opportunities moving forward, as we look to build together a strong ecosystem for further growth. The acquisition of POKKT is justification for our continued commitment and growth to our employees, customers, investors, partners and the wider industry.

With the combined synergies of the various brands under AnyMind Group, I am confident that we will continue to provide even more value, innovation and growth for the various ecosystems we’re in.

Let’s grow together.

Kosuke Sogo

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