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Frequently Asked Questions About the Company

What is the stock code?
The Company's stock code (ticker) is 5027.
When did the company go public?
The Company went public on March 29, 2023
What is the background of the company?
AnyMind Group was founded in Singapore in April 2016 and currently operates from 22 offices and locations across 15 markets worldwide. AnyMind Group is a technology company that provides a one-stop platform for solutions such as brand development, manufacturing management, media management, e-commerce enablement, marketing and logistics management.
What kind of business do you operate?
The company has two business segments, Brand Commerce and Partner Growth.

Brand Commerce refers to the value chain from designing and planning, production management, e-commerce enablement and operation, marketing and logistics management, mainly for the e-commerce and direct-to-consumer domains, for businesses and individuals.

Partner Growth refers to the growth-related activities for publishers and creators.

Frequently Asked Questions About Financial Results and Performance

When are financial results announced?
Our fiscal year ends on December 31, and we disclose our financial results on a quarterly basis. Please refer to the IR Calendar for the most recent financial announcement schedule.
What/How is the current performance?
Information on business performance can be found in Financial Highlights, and information on financial results can be found in IR Library .
What is your business outlook?
The outlook for our business performance can be found in the Summary of . Please visit our Financial Results page to view our latest financial statements.

Frequently Asked Questions About Stock Information

What is the trading unit for stocks?
The trading unit is 100 shares
When is the annual general meeting of shareholders?
The annual general meeting of shareholders is held in late March every year.
What are the policy about dividends?
We aim to increase our corporate value over the medium to long term and on a sustainable basis, and we believe that upfront investments in services with an eye on future growth is the best way to return profits to shareholders. Therefore, we have not paid dividends since our establishment.

The Company's Articles of Incorporation stipulate that the Company may pay an interim dividend, while the Company's basic policy is to pay dividends from surplus twice a year: an interim dividend and a year-end dividend. In accordance with the provisions of Article 459, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, the Company stipulates in its Articles of Incorporation that the Board of Directors shall be the decision-making body for dividends from surplus, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.
Who should I contact to change my address or complete other stock-related procedures?
You should contact the account management institution (securities company) where you have opened your account. Alternatively, you may contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, the administrator of the shareholders' register. Please refer to the Stock Memo for contact numbers and other information.