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AnyMind Group

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#TeamAnyMind: Cheng-Hsun, Hsieh (Tony) (Manager, Finance)

Hello everyone. My name is Cheng-Hsun, but you can call me Tony. My colleagues all call me Money Tony, and I don’t get why. I mean, just because there’s another Tony in the Taiwan office and I work in the finance team, doesn’t mean tha-

Oh. Ohhhh. So that’s why they call me Money Tony.

Anyway, I’m 29 this year. I was born in Taipei and raised in Kaohsiung, which is surrounded by factories. I love running in the outdoors with polluted air, so this was perfect for me.

Seriously though, it was because of this air quality issue that I had aspirations of being a doctor as a kid. Find cures for the various lung diseases, you know? But after I started going to school, I found that all I was good at was counting down the hours and minutes till school finished, so I decided to follow in the family business and make counting my thing instead.

It’s all about the money

As an accountant, especially in a company that’s extremely fast and agile like AnyMind Group, cash flow is king to me. Keeping both clients and vendors happy with our payment terms is the key to all this. Of course, I conduct stringent reviews of our financial entries and correct any inconsistencies, if any. This requires me to be extremely meticulous of course; can’t mess around with money matters.

Apart from the above-mentioned duties, I also need to make sure the principles of accounting applied follow tax regulations as well as the company’s regulations. The finance team basically works to enforce things internally; it can be pretty tough at times, so I’d say that being able to keep a level head at all times is important.

Move fast or get left behind

What helps though, is that the people here are full of energy. That’s pretty necessary in a startup environment because the flexible nature of things requires agile minds and quick (mental) reflexes. Responsibilities may be larger, but that also means you learn a lot in a short time too. Even if you’re new to the company and inexperienced, there is space for you to make a difference. Everyone from top to bottom can make an IMPACT!

I’m going to break the fourth wall for a minute here and say that at this point of the interview, I was asked to talk about my hobbies and interests. The problem is that as far as I know, I don’t really have any. Anything that makes me happy counts, so…

What truly makes me happy

Drafting new quotes to clients without withholding tax issues. That makes me happy. That’s my hobby.

Looking ahead to the future, I’d like to expand my skills and experience by also going into the investor relations field. It’s a role that involves integrating finance, marketing, and securities law, as well as communication between a company and their investors. I find that to be a very interesting prospect, particularly as it would give me the opportunity to meet with shareholders and investors of all sorts. You see, no matter what your job or role is, at the end of the day, it’s the people that make a difference.

Well, that’s all from me. Thanks for reading, and have a good day. 🤖

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