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AnyMind Group

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#TeamAnyMind: Devi Aprilia (Manager, Finance)

In this series' previous incarnation as #TeamAdAsia, we talked to several people from our Indonesia team, and today we have our first #TeamAnyMind in Jakarta! Come get to know Devi, who takes a lot of pride in her work, loves Zumba, and is always family-first:

Hi everyone, I’m Devi! Born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia, I just hit 33 years of age in April. I actually got married at a young age (22), and it was the best decision of my life. I’m now a proud mother of two, and am blessed and lucky to have a family that provides every and any kind of support I need in my career! 😊

Deep Dive into Numbers

Even though I work in finance, I didn’t grow up wanting to work in this field. As a kid, I dreamed of joining the police force! They just looked so cool, so fierce in their uniforms. But I guess the ‘money way’ won out in the end 😂 My interest in numbers and finance began after I graduated from junior high school. I majored in accounting in senior high before furthering my studies in the same line in university. Besides accounting, I also have an interest in taxation.

As you might expect from someone steeped in the ways of numbers, I don’t have much in-depth knowledge of the AI and technology industry that AnyMind Group is in, but there are many opportunities to learn and I am keen to keep picking up more and more insights from my colleagues!

Anyway, as part of the Finance department, I handle the financial affairs, including tax matters, of our Jakarta office. I consider myself to be fairly experienced, with four years in a local tax firm and a further nine with one of the largest consultancies in the world under my belt before joining AnyMind Group. But, as I said before, this industry is really new and exciting to me, which makes for a fresh learning experience every day, even for someone with an established career like me!

Foundational Ideals

‘Integrity’ and ‘values’ are my guiding principles when it comes to my work. When you’re in finance, you’re always handling sensitive materials and, of course, money, so it’s extremely important to never forget those two words and what they mean. Being honest is so much more important than just saying (and not being able to do) impressive things. Also, don’t just do a job to the bare minimum – give your very best, and add value to your role and to the company.

AnyMind Group certainly is a great place to practise these values. It’s such a fast-growing environment, and I’ve seen that growth first-hand in the Indonesia office. Since the time I’ve joined, the team has grown so much, and the company has expanded into 10 markets as well as secured significant investment amounts from investors. I am most amazed by the leadership team, who have achieved all of this at such young ages. They serve as motivation for myself, driving me to keep developing myself, to think and act quickly, and to work efficiently and smartly.

I’ve never seen another start-up like this one, and I’m proud to be a part of it!

Family, Travel, Zumba

Outside of work, I like travelling, especially within Indonesia! I’m lucky to live in such a beautiful country, which has so much to offer. Travelling gives us the chance to make unforgettable memories, and it’s also a very rewarding way to treat oneself after hard work.

I also like doing Zumba! Dancing as a workout is quite possibly the best idea ever conceived by mankind. I’ve been going for classes every weekend for two years, and even managed to influence some of my colleagues to do it as well! We have an Office Healthy Movement, where we exercise together twice a month, and of course Zumba is on the list 😉

Looking ahead to the future, I want to keep working to help the company develop even stronger financial systems that can support its rapid growth. Mastering these processes in this industry is a big goal. I also wish to become a certified tax consultant by the time I’m 35!

On the personal front, it’s about family. I hope to be able to retire when I’m in my mid-40s, maybe operate my own business, so that I can have more time with my children, who would be in their teenage years by then. Family first!

Thank you so much for reading! Please have a good day ahead! 😄

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