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AnyMind Group

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Worklife in AnyMind Group Indonesia - perspective of our Business Development Executive, Jumpei

Our office is located in the center of Jakarta: Thamrin road. Near our office, there are big shopping malls, high-rise buildings, and a new MRT station! This area is the heart of Jakarta.

Hello! This is Jumpei from Indonesia. I started working in AnyMind Group’s Jakarta office since March 2019. My role spans helping our Japanese clients in Indonesia to achieve their advertising and marketing goals – providing consultation on the best strategy and solutions to use. Before I came here, I used to work in Nairobi, Kenya. Jakarta, is like a heaven compared to Nairobi…There are no water shortages, power failures, and here I can walk out to eat Japanese food! I would like to introduce this amazing Jakarta office to you all!


Our office is located in the center of Jakarta: Thamrin road. To be more specific, it is inside UOB plaza building. Near our office, there are big shopping malls, high-rise buildings, and a new MRT station! This area is the heart of Jakarta.

Worklife in AnyMind Group Indonesia

The office is on the 38th floor, and the view from here is just amazing. You can see the city of Jakarta go about its day. The building is right next to the biggest road in Jakarta, so during peak hours, you can see the multitude of vehicle lights from the office.

Let’s explore inside of the office!

Worklife in AnyMind Group Indonesia

Here, we are seated based on departments. We are looking forward to filling up the remaining 100 chairs in the office (yea, it’s pretty big)! If I receive specific inquiries from clients, I can ask the team in charge easily, since we adopt an open working space, with no separators between all departments. There is a pantry, a fun room for taking breaks, along with organised meeting rooms in the office where I can concentrate more in working.

And also, one of our core values is ‘’Speed’’. Thanks to this, everyone responds very well and fast when I have inquiries.

If we get tired, we can come here to chill.

Everyone usually gets some snacks from the pantry table and eat here. We also have bean bags to create a zone for us to relax. Some of my colleagues also read the “Captain Tsubasa” comics here, and this brings me back to the days where I also poured over comic books.

On this day, there was a free massage service in our office. The welfare facilities that the company offers are very broad! Can you imagine being one of those receiving a massage? (don’t get relaxed too much, and get back to your job! lol)

Worklife in AnyMind Group Indonesia

Sharing is caring! We all love pizzas for sure.

Worklife in AnyMind Group Indonesia

When it comes to office culture, we’re a pretty open bunch. We all came from different backgrounds, religions, and cultures and that has contributed to a strong team synergy and mix of identities, with everyone having a unique story to share with the rest.

We sometimes have healthy disputes but this photo makes me realize that, at the end of the day, we are all friends with each other and ready to help each other anytime.

We all have different personalities, and we need to respect each other anywhere and anytime.

Jakarta’s traffic moves at a crawl, thus there are a lot of big advertisements on the road called out-of-home (OOH) advertisements. However, it is hard to measure the returns on offline OOH advertisements. Online advertising is definitely a stronger approach to understanding the results and intentions of consumers. This is such a fast-growing space, and there will definitely be more movements around online advertising in the future!

After joining AnyMind Group in Indonesia for 2 months, one key learning is to put myself in the shoes of the client. I sometimes get absorbed when sharing about our offerings, and after getting their insight, I try to understand about the client’s requirements and pain points, and it has become my biggest growing factor.

In the future, I want to experience building a team as a manager. I suppose the team’s output depends on a person’s managerial ability. To lead my team, I want to maximise the client’s satisfaction.

Worklife in AnyMind Group Indonesia

In terms of workflow, it is similar to my previous and my bedding in period was definitely much simpler. On the other hand, I think I should spend more time and effort in forging stronger relationships with co-workers. Our background is not the same, and having deeper conversations outside of work would help me understand them more. I always speak out about my opinion on matters, and it’s one way for everyone to understand each other better.

The Indonesian population is over 260 million. Although a lot of unexpected things happen all the time, it’s very challenging and fascinating here! Online advertising is a deep topic, and tons of things to learn, but you don’t want to miss this big opportunity happening right in front of you!

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