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AnyMind Group

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Lunchtime Chat with... Katsuhiko Sato (Senior Executive, Publisher Engagement)

Last but certainly not least for this round of quarterly MVPs is Katsuhiko Sato! Part of the Publisher Engagement team, he tells us that he didn't at first believe he would be cut out for the role. Well, look where he is now! Get to know him better:

Tell us about your prior work experience.

I’ve been in the publisher business all along, first with FourM and now, after the acquisition, with AnyMind Group. I work closely with publishers to consult on, maximise and optimise their advertising revenue streams.

Tell us more about your role in AnyMind Group.

My role has been largely the same throughout, but being a part of AnyMind Group has given me one new key role – that is, to help the Platform Operations team in Southeast Asia. Since I can speak English fairly well, and have good knowledge on the relevant platforms, I now work with publishers both in Japan and the SEA region.

What attracted you to join AnyMind Group?

When FourM was acquired by AnyMind Group, the possibilities were extremely exciting. It is, after all, a company which has grown by leaps and bounds since it first started, expanding very quickly. I might not have made a personal decision to join AnyMind Group, but it’s worked out really well so far!

Before joining AnyMind Group, what did you know about the advertising industry?

Not much in way of formal education, actually! That said, I had enough of a natural interest in it to read some textbooks on the subject. The rest of my experience has been from actually working in the industry, and being part of such a fast-growing startup means that the learning experience has been super sped up! 🌪

How has it been so far and what do you enjoy the most about your role?

So far so good! What I enjoy the most is using the knowledge I have to really help publishers grow. It can sometimes be a delicate balance; we want to help them grow their revenue streams without adversely affecting their content or annoying their readers/consumers with intrusive ads. Knowing the ins and outs of the business helps me to always come up with suitable, sustainable solutions for our publisher partners!

How has your role and the company evolved over the time you’ve been with the company?

My role has evolved in a couple ways. First is as I mentioned earlier – having a role that extends into the Southeast Asia market.

Secondly, we now have a Business Development team alongside us as well. Having this team allows us to develop and refine more tools and channels that can support publishers, which will ultimately give our company a competitive edge.

Tell us more about your personality.

I would say that I’m an introvert. When I was in college, I liked to read or watch movies alone. Hence, when I was first put into a consultative sales role, one where I had to go out and talk to many people, I didn’t think I would be very good at it at all. But after spending some time in the role, I found that the work we do really makes a difference – helping publishers – it gives me a strong sense of personal satisfaction.

I still think I’m an introvert, but the outgoing nature of this job has really added a lot to my life and helped me grow as a person 😄

What tips or advice do you have for your co-workers?

Remember: help the clients reach their goals! Bring your effort and sincerity to every project you work on, and the end result will always be a win-win for everyone. Work hard and stay true!

What can’t you live without?

🏀 Basketball! I play a bit and love watching the NBA. I was actually watching the Playoffs while responding to this interview 😆

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