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Driving education around media buying transparency in the Philippines

AdAsia Holdings held the first-ever edition of AdAsia Digital Open House in Manila, the Philippines.

As part of a wider push to drive greater education in the Asian advertising industry, AdAsia Holdings, a company by AnyMind Group, held the first-ever edition of AdAsia Digital Open House in Manila, the Philippines.

Attendees, ranging from brand and agency marketers to publishers, gained extensive insight into how media buys can be more transparent in today’s advertising landscape. In a US$0.36 billion market for digital ad spending, and one that is predicted to jump into the top 10 ad spend contributors over the next three years, it’s important that advertisers and marketers in the Philippines have full insight into where exactly their money is being spent on.

AdAsia Digital Open House in Manila, the Philippines

Starting off with a keynote speech, AdAsia Holdings’ guest, Kishore Daswani, Digital Marketing Specialist, shared with the audience why jumping into programmatic advertising is important in the first place, and how it differs from more traditional methods of advertising. He also shared about how marketers can reach audiences more accurately, and how data can create a more improve efficiency in advertising.

AdAsia Digital Open House in Manila, the Philippines

This was followed by a diverse panel of brand and agency marketers and publishers in the Philippines, providing audiences with a well-rounded look into transparency in modern day media buying. Along with Daswani, panelists included Ferole Sarao, Display Advertising Manager at Traveloka SEA, and Edward David, Programmatic Sales Director at Click the City.

AdAsia Digital Open House in Manila, the Philippines

The discussion jumped straight into a question on the attendees’ minds: what kind of data is needed by advertisers to know that a campaign is working, and how publishers can better meet the objectives of advertisers. It’s important for advertisers to fully understand the data that they’re receiving each day, and focus more on what matters, rather than get caught up in fluff metrics. On the other side of the equation, publishers also need these insights to fully maximize their online environments for advertisers.

Next up, the panelists discussed the benefits of different programmatic buying methods, and how much transparency is given to advertisers in the Philippines today. This raised additional discussion around how exactly advertisers can track their activity more transparently, and what are the best ad placements available today.

This then drove commentary around how programmatic advertising drives greater dollar efficiency – where advertisers reach only the audiences they want – and what are the metrics that determine a campaign is a success.

With transparency a top-of-mind concern in media buying globally, it is important that the advertising chain – advertisers, publishers, and agencies – are open with one another. To that end, questions were raised around the authenticity and exactness of shared data, and what kind of data can publishers glean to advertisers.

As a company that is driving the charge for greater transparency in the Asian advertising ecosystem, AdAsia Holdings’ partnership with 3rd-party ad verification vendor, adloox, aims to do just that – becoming the first in Asia to provide pre-included 3rd-party verification to both advertisers and publishers – truly bringing greater transparency to the advertising industry.

The AdAsia Digital Open House on transparency in media buying in the Philippines highlighted the importance for marketers to fully grasp where their money is being spent. It is time for advertisers and publishers in the Philippines to work together and drive the industry forward. This is the key to staying competitive in an increasingly digital future.

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