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AnyMind Group

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Lunchtime Chat with... Bertha Cindy (Manager, Advertiser Engagement)

With another all-hands just finished, we have another new batch of MVP winners, the ones who shone the brightest in their respective departments! We begin this batch with Bertha Cindy, from the Advertiser Engagement team in ID. Get to know her here

Tell us about your prior work experience.

I used to be in the TV industry, actually! I spent five years there, and was involved in digital activities across a variety of projects in my last company.

Tell us more about your role in AnyMind Group.

As a manager in the Advertiser Engagement team, I feel like a large part of my job revolves around relationships! This includes relationships with clients, as well as with my team in the Indonesia office. I wouldn’t be able to be where I am without them!

Speaking of team, the Jakarta office is really more like a tight-knit family than just a group of colleagues. They, along with my many other wonderful teammates in the whole AnyMind Group, have helped me learn so much about this industry ❤️️

What attracted you to join AnyMind Group?

Having had a taste of working on digital projects in my previous role, I wanted to expand further on it. This is because I believe digital is the future, in just about every part of life. I mean, look at how we buy food, go shopping, watch movies and so on nowadays. Every day it gets increasingly digital, online.

I want to be part of the future, and an expert in this increasingly-digital world. That’s what attracted me to join AnyMind Group, a tech startup that’s growing so quickly!

Before joining AnyMind Group, what did you know about the marketing or influencer marketing industry?

I knew a little bit. I’ve always seen influencer marketing as a way of taking celebrity endorsements and making it available to a wider range of brands. This is especially relevant in the modern context, with the value of content-driven marketing campaigns heavily reliant on the authenticity of influencers.

How has it been so far and what do you enjoy the most about your role?

I really enjoy my role! What I like most is the intense competition, actually. Keeping on one’s toes and staying up to date on everything happening in the industry is super important, and it’s energizing to be in this race.

Also, I am very grateful to have a very inspiring Country Manager. Thank you Lidya! 😁

How has your role and the company evolved over the time you’ve been with the company?

As mentioned earlier, there’s lots to learn in this industry. Things change and advance very quickly, and just by focusing on keeping up with the latest updates, you will find that you’ve grown in experience and ability over time.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the company’s growth itself! At about 300 people now, and with offices in 10 markets, the speed has been dizzying! As much as I’ve grown personally, I think the company has also kept a very high pace of development and progress.

Tell us more about your personality.

I would say that I’m a positive person! I try to look on the bright side of things as much as possible, and I think it’s working; people always say that I always do my best to be nice to everyone 😊

Besides that, I think I’m also a very passionate person, and one who pays a lot of attention to detail. I think these are key traits to succeed not just in this industry, but in just about any career.

What tips or advice do you have for your co-workers?

It ain’t over until you allow it to be. What that means is, never give up! Keep believing and trying, and you’ll get to where you want to be! 💪

What can’t you live without?

Perfume! I never leave home without putting some on! 😂

But seriously though, it’s got to be family 😊 They give me the motivation and energy to keep living my life to the fullest!

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